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Tag: people

Articles tagged as People

Hypochondriasis: Living in Fear of One's Body

Posted on May 2, 2024 by Richard Cyr
Hypochondriasis, also known as hypochondria or health anxiety, is not a new ailment.Folks have been worrying over fleeting pains and aches for centuries.The term hypochondria was coined by the ancient Greeks and literally means, "beneath the ribs." The Greeks believed the majority of the phantom symptoms comes from that section of the body.When met with a patient experiencing hypochondria, doctors are put in a hard position...

Lower Back Pain and Your Computer is a Bad Combination

Posted on April 21, 2024 by Richard Cyr
Did you understand that spending extended hours at your personal computer can put your wellbeing at serious risk?Most people will not even consider that possibility, nonetheless it does.Working at a desk is incredibly hard on your own body, and I wish to share this with you so perhaps you can avoid one of the most common health threats.One of the very most common one is: LOWER BACK-PAINWHAT CAUSES LOWER BACK-PAIN?Age will not really matter...

Killer Arthritis Relief Tips!

Posted on March 16, 2024 by Richard Cyr
The most typical kind of arthritis is really a condition affecting the joints called osteoarthritis.This can be a degenerative disease where the cartilage gradually becomes thinner.After time, the bony surfaces touch each other and linked with emotions.become misshapen.This sort of arthritis mostly occurs from the previous injury or deterioration on the joint.Most commonly, in arthritis patients, among the large weight bearing joints are affected such as for example hips, knees and ankles...

Your Computer Can Cause Chronic Fatigue

Posted on December 5, 2023 by Richard Cyr
Did you understand that spending extended hours at your personal computer can put your wellbeing at serious risk?Most people does not even consider that possibility, nonetheless it does.Working at a desk is incredibly hard on your own body, and I wish to share this with you so perhaps you can avoid one of the most common health threats.One of the very most common one is: Chronic Fatigue.Chronic Fatigue SyndromeTired and troubled? Experiencing severe fatigue that lasts for months and return back again and again?Feeling tired is common, and depression is a condition that everyone undergoes every once in awhile...

How Eyes Work?

Posted on August 2, 2023 by Richard Cyr
Eyes work similarly to a camera so to be able to see clearly objects have to taken to a focus point on the trunk surface of the attention that is the retina, exactly like an object is focussed onto film.The light enters through the pupil and passes through the lens that is clear and flexible and acts as being a camera lens.As light is passed through the lens it changes shape and makes delicate adjustments therefore the light rays enter into focus as an obvious picture on the trunk of the attention and as being a camera the image is backwards and ugly...

Are Cold Sores Contagious?

Posted on March 5, 2023 by Richard Cyr
When someone gets a cold sore or knows anyone who has one, it isn't uncommon to allow them to wonder, "Are cold sores contagious?" And the solution to the question is yes, cold sores are contagious in more ways than one.The herpes virus that always causes cold sores is easily spread--even if the infected person doesn't have a dynamic cold sore.Cold sores are contagious, and the HSV-1 virus that triggers cold sores exists within an estimated 80% of the populace...

Understanding Bulimia

Posted on April 21, 2022 by Richard Cyr
Bulimia isn't exclusively a result of the changes of puberty, nor is it exclusive to women.Although 90 percent of bulimia cases occur in women, and most of these women start to smoke and eat in their mid- to late-teens, bulimia nervosa can stem from diverse causes.Some individuals with bulimia are perfectionists.Some believe their weight reflects their self-worth.Being too heavy is a indication of failure...

Fluid Retention - How to Solve This Problem With Water

Posted on March 14, 2022 by Richard Cyr
Many folks have issues with fluid retention.This is when the body is retaining fluid under the skin.The results are clear: bloated feet and ankles, swollen hands, and swelling around the eyes.Women can be particularly bothered by it around the time of the monthly periods, but guys cope with it, too, even if we do not realize it.And even though it can be uncomfortable, what bothers most people is their look that bloated and fat-looking look...

Is Stronger Really Better

Posted on December 17, 2021 by Richard Cyr
New years has come and gone, most of us left our fitness resolutions, a number of us met them with victory while a few people have sadly missed the mark.With good intentions we set goals, purchased exercise gear and joined gyms.Outcomes haven't come easily for most of us, some got hurt, time is scarce, the children are sick.But, there's some great news on the horizon.For those people in the fitness and health industry there has been some very interesting research coming out recently that can allow you to achieve your targets...

I Skip Meals, Why Aren't I Losing Weight?

Posted on August 7, 2021 by Richard Cyr
A huge mistake that many people make is skipping meals.They think they're not eating much so that they need to be losing weight.Wrong!Your body was designed with the concept that you must expend energy to be able to get food.If you think back a hundred or more years ago, in case you wanted to eat something you had to go searching regular or develop your own food.And that's lots of work - that is lots of physical activity...