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Tag: levels

Articles tagged as Levels

Cholesterol - Lower It Naturally

Posted on November 27, 2022 by Richard Cyr
These days we hear plenty of warnings about cholesterol, however the funny thing is, cholesterol isn't all bad.Your system produces it naturally also it performs some pretty vital jobs - assisting to build new cells, along with produce hormones and insulate nerves.Only once you've got an excessive amount of are you experiencing an issue.Unfortunately, there's lots of confusion surrounding it because it's comprised of both bad and the good cholesterol, and is recognized as HDL and LDL...

Lowering Cholesterol

Posted on February 26, 2022 by Richard Cyr
Together with high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels are regarded among the most reliable indicators of potential serious health issues, especially in the cardiovascular disease field.We're told that we need to assess our cholesterol levels, as most people already have high cholesterol without being conscious of it.We may then have to take steps to cause a lowering of our cholesterol to within a healthier selection...

Stress & Exercise: How Do I Make It Work For Me?

Posted on July 1, 2021 by Richard Cyr
To begin with, vigorous exercise is in fact stressor itself.On a concrete level, exercise causes the small muscle fibres to really tear, and then grow back stronger as they cure.Not just relaxing for the muscles in question! Quite apart from that, one study demonstrated anxiety levels rise from the first 5-10 minutes of exercise as adrenaline - one of the main stress hormones - kicks in.So how is it that exercise reduces our stress and anxiety levels over time?The quick answer is that while exercise is a short-term stressor, lack of exercise is a long-term one...