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Year: 2021

Articles created in the year 2021

Fluid Retention - How to Solve This Problem With Water

Posted on December 14, 2021 by Richard Cyr
Many folks have issues with fluid retention.This is when the body is retaining fluid under the skin.The results are clear: bloated feet and ankles, swollen hands, and swelling around the eyes.Women can be particularly bothered by it around the time of the monthly periods, but guys cope with it, too, even if we do not realize it.And even though it can be uncomfortable, what bothers most people is their look that bloated and fat-looking look...

Lowering Cholesterol

Posted on November 26, 2021 by Richard Cyr
Together with high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels are regarded among the most reliable indicators of potential serious health issues, especially in the cardiovascular disease field.We're told that we need to assess our cholesterol levels, as most people already have high cholesterol without being conscious of it.We may then have to take steps to cause a lowering of our cholesterol to within a healthier selection...

Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Posted on October 11, 2021 by Richard Cyr
There are many alternatives available for you once you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure.Many physicians prescribe a combination of drugs and dietary/lifestyle alterations so let's take a look at a number of those lifestyle changes.Eat a healthier diet.Among the most significant areas of your diet you ought to attempt to handle is the sodium intake.Sodium is required for regulation of fluid balance, contraction of muscles, and conduction of nerve impulses, but also much sodium may result in a lot of health issues, higher blood pressure being among them...

Is Stronger Really Better

Posted on September 17, 2021 by Richard Cyr
New years has come and gone, most of us left our fitness resolutions, a number of us met them with victory while a few people have sadly missed the mark.With good intentions we set goals, purchased exercise gear and joined gyms.Outcomes haven't come easily for most of us, some got hurt, time is scarce, the children are sick.But, there's some great news on the horizon.For those people in the fitness and health industry there has been some very interesting research coming out recently that can allow you to achieve your targets...


Posted on August 25, 2021 by Richard Cyr
If your sciatic nerve becomes inflamed, the condition is known as sciatica (pronounced si-ad'-i-ka).The pain can be extreme! It often follows the route of your guts - down the back of your leg, foot, ankle, and toes - but it may also radiate to your back! Together with burning, sharp pains, you might also feel nerve sensations like pins-and-needles, tingling, prickling, crawling sensations, or tenderness...


Posted on July 15, 2021 by Richard Cyr
Vertigo or dizziness affects millions of people around the world annually.In a vast majority of those cases, vertigo isn't anything more than a temporary inconvenience.Sometimes, vertigo is a painful condition.Day to day activities are kept to a minimum as a result of severe dizziness.Oftentimes, the area of dysfunction in the nervous system is the cerebellum.The cerebellum is at the posterior aspect (back part) of the brain and controls our coordinated movements...

Benefits of Physical Activity

Posted on June 23, 2021 by Richard Cyr
The benefits of physical activity can help improve how you look, feel and work.The primary benefit of physical activity makes you"Look Better":It tones your muscles.It burns off calories to help shed those extra pounds or maintain your desired weight.It helps control your appetite so you eat less.The second advantage makes you"Feel Better":It provides you more energy during the day.It helps enhances your self image and you feel better about yourself...

I Skip Meals, Why Aren't I Losing Weight?

Posted on May 7, 2021 by Richard Cyr
A huge mistake that many people make is skipping meals.They think they're not eating much so that they need to be losing weight.Wrong!Your body was designed with the concept that you must expend energy to be able to get food.If you think back a hundred or more years ago, in case you wanted to eat something you had to go searching regular or develop your own food.And that's lots of work - that is lots of physical activity...

Stress & Exercise: How Do I Make It Work For Me?

Posted on April 1, 2021 by Richard Cyr
To begin with, vigorous exercise is in fact stressor itself.On a concrete level, exercise causes the small muscle fibres to really tear, and then grow back stronger as they cure.Not just relaxing for the muscles in question! Quite apart from that, one study demonstrated anxiety levels rise from the first 5-10 minutes of exercise as adrenaline - one of the main stress hormones - kicks in.So how is it that exercise reduces our stress and anxiety levels over time?The quick answer is that while exercise is a short-term stressor, lack of exercise is a long-term one...